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Procedure for submission of articles

Greetings from the

Journal of the West Bengal University of Health Sciences

Thank you for choosing the journal to publish your manuscript. Please go through the Instruction to the Authors thoroughly before you prepare the manuscript for submission. It may be borne in mind that if the manuscript may get rejected automatically by the computerized process if the basic journal requirements are not followed. The corresponding author of the article will; from now on; will be directed to the different steps of submission of the article. Following are the overview of the process of the process of submission in the journal:

  • Process1

    Login as the intending author. Your login ID and the password; generated through system will be sent to you in your authorized email. Please change your password once it is obtained.

  • Process2

    Upon successful login; you will be directed to a page where you will be required to fill in some important information about the article and the authors. Complete the process to finally upload the files as detailed in the instruction to authors. Be careful that all the files conform to the journal requirements.

  • Process3

    After the files are submitted; you will be allotted an article submission number through your registered email; which must be mentioned in all possible future communications with the Editorial Board of the journal.

  • Process4

    Subsequently you will have to upload two additional files – the transfer of copyright form duly signed by all the author(s) and the certificate from the Institutional Ethics Committee wherein the research work was performed.

  • Process5

    The corresponding author will be intimated about the decisions about the article; viz. Rejected, Accepted or Needs modification. If the article would need modification; as suggested by the reviewer(s); the areas where the modifications are needed; will be intimated to the corresponding author through email. It will be construed that all responses to the quires raised by the reviewers and the modifications made in the article to incorporate the resultant changes has the concurrence of all authors; even though the corresponding author will be responsible for sending them to the editorial Board. This process of revising the article may take more than one rounds. If the Editorial Board finally thinks that the authors have responded to the issues raised by the reviewers to their satisfaction; the article will be deemed fit for publication.